Diverse Backgrounds, Common Interests
The International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI) is comprised of members from more than 40 countries who research molecular aspects of microorganisms interacting with plants and the consequences of such interactions. Disciplines represented by IS-MPMI members include microbiology, nematology, plant pathology, plant breeding, and many more.
IS-MPMI researchers use cutting-edge techniques of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, genetics, genomics, proteomics, and molecular ecology.
membership connects you with leading research and helps you build professional relationships with scientists from the around the world.
Exciting Science
IS-MPMI brings colleagues together through the sharing of research and new ideas. IS-MPMI’s journal,
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (MPMI), publishes significant primary research and reviews on the molecular biology and genetics of pathological, symbiotic and associative interactions between microbes and plants. IS-MPMI members receive a discount to publish in MPMI.
New online features include the ability to receive notifications when papers of interest are published; ability to link citations directly to the paper cited and other citation management tools; direct links from Library Search Databases; RSS feeds; and the ability to sign up for Table-of-Content Alerts. All volumes of MPMI are available online and complete articles, 12 months or older, are freely accessible.
Every two years the society sponsors the
IS-MPMI Congress, during which attendees at all career levels have opportunities to interact with and learn from renowned scientists. In keeping with the international nature of the society, the Congress moves among different continents and countries. Members receive a significant discount on Congress registration.