Poster Preparation
Display Facilities
- Standing poster boards will be provided.
- To fit comfortably two-to-a-board, posters should be no larger than A0 size (33.1 inches [84.1 cm] wide x 46.8 inches [118.9 cm] high).
- Poster boards will be numbered. Place your poster on the appropriate numbered poster board.
- Push pins for attaching the poster display to the fabric panel backing is supplied by IS-MPMI.
- Electrical outlets will not be provided in the poster presentation area.
If your poster is not displayed by the time poster viewing hours begin, it will be noted as a “no-show" and pulled from the program and publication.
Preparation of Poster
- The official language for the posters is English.
- Prepare the poster on material that is lightweight.
- Handouts, if appropriate, should be directly related to the topic of the poster and must not contain advertising.
- Your poster should be self-explanatory so that you are free to supplement and discuss particular points raised by inquiry. It may include diagrams and charts, reaction schemes, table recordings, graphs, photographs, or written text, such as abstract summary, introduction, methods, results and conclusions.
- On the top left corner of your poster if is optional but beneficial for you to add a photo of yourself so you can be easily identified with your poster content.
Poster Layout
- Posters should be readable from 6 feet (2 meters). Capital letters should be at least 3/8 inch (1 cm) high after enlargement to full poster size. Photographs should be a minimum of 5x7 inches.
- Avoid overcrowding figures into tables. Legends and titles should accompany all figures, tables, photographs, etc. in order to allow their immediate identification.
- If you are not familiar with this form of presentation, we recommend that you plan the layout of the poster with an art/design consultant and consider having the artwork professionally drawn.
- No commercial activities nor any advertising may be displayed on the posters. Not complying with this rule will result in the poster being removed.
- Font styles: Arial, Verdana, Times or Times New Roman, Garamond, Georgia, Symbols (math equations only)
- Font sizes:
- Title: sans serif, 48 pt
- Subtitles and Section Titles: sans serif, 36 pt
- Main Text: serif font, 24 recommended, no smaller than 12 pt
- Text design:
- Avoid shadow, emboss, engrave, or underline formats for text
- Keep text horizontal
- Use several columns
- Use lines or reasonable gutter spaces between columns
- Image format: .wmf; .jpg; .bmp; .gif; or .tif.
- Image resolution: 300 pixels per inch
Poster set-up, poster take-down, and your scheduled poster presentation time will be listed in the program schedule.
IMPORTANT: If your poster is not displayed by the time poster viewing hours begin, it will be noted as a “no-show" and pulled from the program and publication.