​​Abstract Submission

​Abstract submission are now closed.

Submission Guidelines

Important Considerations Before You Submit an Abstract

  • Edit and proof your abstract before submitting. IS-MPMI will not edit abstract submissions; they will be published as submitted.
  • All abstracts are to be considered for poster presentation. Additionally, you may ​submit your abstract up to a Concurrent Session for​ a 10 minute oral presentation.​
  • ​The designated presenting author MUST register for the 2025 Congress.  Failure to register will result in your abstract being withdrawn.
  • Abstracts should be proofed to make sure all authors and affiliations were accepted to the online form.
  • No abstract that has been presented or is intended to be presented at another meeting shall be submitted for consideration. 
  • Publication of tables, charts, and graphs projected onto screens or posted at the congress by anyone other than an author or presenter is prohibited unless a release has been requested and received in writing from an author or presenter.

Evaluation and Acceptance

  • Abstracts must report results of original research or other activity of significant merit that relates to molecular plant-microbe interactions and the related industry. ​
  • ​​Abstracts must ​​include the following elements: justification, objectives, methods, results, and significance of the research to the science of  molecular plant-microbe interactions. 
  • Abstracts must not be simply a review or progress report, but contain useful and new information. Abstracts must not include references or footnotes. 
  • Abstracts must be in final form with no grammatical, typographical, or factual errors. 
  • All abstract submissions will be accepted for poster presentation provided your submission adheres to the published guidelines. Official notifications of ​accepted oral and poster presentations will be sent in April.  Presenters are encouraged to register by April 30 for the lowest available rate, but no later than May 16.

Submission Instructions​

You will be required to sign-in with your IS-MPMI credentials to submit an abstract.  If you do not have an IS-MPMI account, click the "Create a new account" link to proceed.  When your submission is complete you will receive a receipt for the submission fee and a confirmation email.  

After logging in select one of the following options:
  • C​lick here to begin a new Abstract with Travel Award Application Submission​ (For more information on travel awards and eligibility requirements click here​. Additional information will be requested during the submission process.)
  • Click here to begin a new Abstract Submission

1. Abstract Title
  • 200 characters maximum
  • Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns
  • Registered names and trademarks are not permitted in title
  • Symbols (Greek, math, etc.) must be spelled out, e.g., Beta

2. Concurrent Session Participation
  • All submissions are considered for poster presentation.  Do you also want to be considered for a 10 minute oral presentation as part of a concurrent session?   Yes/No​
  • The list of concurrent sessions and descriptions can be found here. 
  • In step 4 you will be able to select up to 3 concurrent sessions to submit your abstract for oral presentation.  Acceptance to present in a concurrent session is not guaranteed.​

3. Abstract text
  • The abstract must be in one paragraph.
  • DO NOT INCLUDE the title, author name(s), or author affiliations in the abstract text field.
  • Use the abstract toolbar to add formatting (italics, superscripts, or subscripts)
  • Character limit is 1500 characters including spaces.

4. Submission Categories - Select ​up to 3 categories ​in ranked choice order t​hat best apply to your abstract

5. Add Authors
  • Create the list of authors for this submission. Each submission can have only one Presenting Author and up to 10 Co-Authors. 
  • To add an author type the author's first name, last name, and email address. Click 'Add Author.'
  • To complete an author's profile:
  • Click on the 'Edit Author' button to complete the profile.
    • ​A green check mark indicates a complete profile.
    • ​Once the profile is complete, click 'Save Authors' to complete the task.
  • The first person added will be designated as the Presenting Author, but this role can be changed after multiple authors have been entered.

6. Edit Profile 
  • Enter the required fields for each author.
  • Communications regarding the abstract will be sent only to the "Presenting Author".

​7. Abstract Payment - $35 USD per abstract submitted

  • ​Abstract fees are non-refundable, payable ​online by credit card.  If you are unable to pay be credit card, contact​  IS-MPMI Headquarters
  • The abstract submission fee will be waived for those submitters who are living or working in Countries with Developing Economies. To request your waiver, please begin your abstract submission. Once you reach the Abstract Payment task, contact IS-MPMI Headquarters​.

8. Copyright
  • ​Check the box and sign the copyright agreement.
  • ​If the abstract is accepted, I agree that the designated presenting author will present the abstract in the assigned format and time at the 2025 IS-MPMI Congress, July 13-17, 2025 in Cologne, Germany, register and pay the associated fees.
  • I ​understand that failure to complete the above terms will result in the abstract submission being withdrawn.
  • I confirm that this is an original work and that the abstract has not been previously published. I and any contributing authors, as sole proprietors of the abstract, agree to transfer copyright of the abstract to the IS-MPMI. Abstracts will be published in a supplement to MPMI Journal after the Congress takes place. 
  • By agreeing, I accept this copyright transfer.

9. Once all tasks are complete with a green circle and white check, click Save Submission, and Submit. When your submission is complete you will receive a receipt for the submission fee and a confirmation​ email.  ​