IS-MPMI XVIII Congress Mobile App
Stay connected to the congress anytime, anywhere with 2019 IS-MPMI XVIII Congress mobile app!

Using the Official IS-MPMI XVIII Congress Mobile App you can:
- Browse the program schedule, exhibitor list, posters, and general information.
- Customize your schedule
- Access session information, including full abstracts
- Add exhibitors to your to-do list
- Connect with other attendees - send messages and make appointments
- Contact poster authors directly to schedule time outside regular poster hours to meet and discuss poster content
Download the App Today - It's Free!
Available now for iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android devices via the buttons above, or search for ISMPMI2019 in your app store
*The 2019 IS-MPMI XVIII Congress mobile app is only accessible to registered attendees. For security purposes, when you first access the mobile app, it will prompt you for your email address and confirmation number. You will only need to enter this information one time. You can locate your confirmation number in the confirmation email you were sent after you registered for the congress.