Officer nominations​

Nominate IS-MPMI's Next Leaders!

Please nominate yourself or another IS-MPMI Professional Member whom you feel are well suited to serve the Society. 2025 election positions open include the office of President-elect and two Director ​seats. ​Nominations for the 2025 election are accepted through March 21, 2025.

Eligibility & Expectations

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall policy and direction of the Society. All Board members will: 

  • Understand and fulfill the Board's primary fiduciary​ ​duties of duty of care, duty of loyalty, and duty of obedience. ​

  • ​​​Prepare for, attend, and conscientiously participate in monthly board meetings and follow-up communications, averaging around 4-6 hours a month. 

  • Promptly respond to any board related actions/request communications. 

  • Volunteer and participate fully in one or more committees or activities such as congress meeting planning, reviewing nominations, fundraising, and communications to the membership. 

  • Serve as active advocates and ambassadors for the Society.

  • Leverage connections, networks, and resources to develop collective action to achieve the Society's mission.

  • Will partner in new initiatives to support and cultivate diversity and inclusion within our IS-MPMI community. ​

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors.

  • Maintain their active IS-MPMI membership throughout their term on the Board. 

Term Length:

  • President-elect serves a two-year term, followed by a two-year term as president, and two-year term as immediate past president. ​(6 year commitment​ total)

  • Directors serve a four-year term. 

  • All terms begin at the close of the 2025 IS-MPMI Congress. 

Board Member Attributes

Key qualities in a successful board member:

  • Commitment to IS-MPMI's mission and comprehensive vision for the future of IS-MPMI

  • Demonstrated experience in leadership positions and advisory capacities

  • Excellent communication skills​

  • Capacity for big-picture, long-term thinking

  • Willingness to dedicate time​ and actively engage with the Society beyond board meetings

  • Works well with others in group decision-making

  • Professional, trustworthy, and ethical

  • Familiar with the scientific breadth and frontiers as well as the community of stakeholders in the field of Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction

Call for Nominations

To nominate yourself or another IS-MPMI Professional member, please complete the online nomination inform that includes a brief statement (max 500 words) outlining your motivation for serving on the Board, including your views and priorities for the Society that align with the IS-MPMI Mission and Vision. Your statement should also highlight your commitment to principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as the region(s) you represent and the unique perspectives your lived experiences bring to the Board.

​​​If you are nominating another individual, please confirm first if they are interested and willing to be nominated for the position prior to submitting a nomination. ​​


Nominations for the 2025 election are closed.  An electronic ballot will be sent to eligible voting members of IS-MPMI in June. ​

Review and Election

​The Elections Committee is charged with identifying, reviewing, and developing a slate of qualified candidates best suited for the office of President-elect and Directors on the IS-MPMI Board of Directors. Candidates​ will be evaluated on knowledge and skill sets needed on the Board, as well as giving due consideration to equitable representation, including geographic distribution reflective of the current IS-MPMI diverse membership. The committee will present a final slate of candidates to the Board of Directors to ratify before the electronic ballot is sent eligible IS-MPMI voting members in the spring 2025. ​Those elected, will begin their term at the close of the 2025 IS-MPMI Congress. ​